Sometimes i think about happiness and the people around me. I've have askt,i'm asking and i will ask only one thing,and that is to be happy,and find happiness.It looks easy ,but it isn't,life always makes stuff difficult,and people make it even more difficult,Life isn't the thing that hurts you,it's the people.That why i've lourned that i should only worry fore people that worry about me,if they don't,it isn't worth it.If i don't fight for my happiness,nobody will.The world is selfish,but people are even more.
domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011
My favourite film.

My best friend
My friends are the most important thing in my life. They are some perfect persons for me. I going to describe my best friend, Meriem.
Meriem’s sixteen years old. She was born on the sixth of april of 1994. She’s very tall. She has got straight, long brown hair and beautiful green eyes. She’s very pretty!
She’s shy, especially with new people. She’s polite, because she’s cheerful and kind with everybody. Meriem is very friendly, she has got too many friends. She’s very popular because she’s a lider of her high school cheerleading team. She loves modern music and her favourite song is “Love the way you lie” of Rihanna.
She lives in a very smoll town, with her family, she’s very happy.
She’s shy, especially with new people. She’s polite, because she’s cheerful and kind with everybody. Meriem is very friendly, she has got too many friends. She’s very popular because she’s a lider of her high school cheerleading team. She loves modern music and her favourite song is “Love the way you lie” of Rihanna.
She lives in a very smoll town, with her family, she’s very happy.
Shopping, one hobby.
My hobbie is to buy clothes.I like everything and i can dress lots of different ways.I don't like to follow fashions and dress the same like everybody else,i have my own opinion about things.But when i go in too a shop i have to control my self.I would buy everything,all kinds of trousers and tops.Lots of people think i do it so other people like me,but fore me the colors and the way you dress represent you and your humour.Fore me first impressions are really important
Days in my life.
The days in my life are too surprising. I have good days and bad days. I think I'm undecised because one day I'm happy, smiling and quiet; but other day I'm sad, nervous and too confused. Everyday new things happens in my life, but I have one routine too strict. When I leave institute I go to do swimming or rehabilitacion, every day.
The best days of the week are Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, because I can stay with my friends, I can go out, enjoy myself; but many sundays I have to do my homework, study, or family meals...
In short, the days of my life are too motivated, I'm never still or quiet. I never have time for relax myself, but I like my life.
miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011
Rihanna - We Found Love ft. Calvin Harris
We found love...
Letter: Traducció:
Yellow diamonds in the light Diamants grocs a la llum
And we're standing side by side I estem l’un al costat de l’altre
As your shadow crosses mine A mesura que la teva ombra creua la meva
What it takes to come alive El que es necessita és tornar a la vida
And we're standing side by side I estem l’un al costat de l’altre
As your shadow crosses mine A mesura que la teva ombra creua la meva
What it takes to come alive El que es necessita és tornar a la vida
It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny És la manera que sento que no puc negar
But I've gotta let it go Pero he de deixar-ho anar
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
Shine a light through an open door Una llum a través d’una porta oberta
Love and life I will divide L'amor i la vida dividiré
Turn away cause I need you more T’allunyes perquè jo et necessito més
Feel the heartbeat in my mind Sento el batec del meu cor al meu cap
It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny És la manera que sento que no puc negar
But I've gotta let it go Pero he de deixar-ho anar
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
Yellow diamonds in the light Diamants grocs a la llum
And we're standing side by side I estem l’un al costat de l’altre
As your shadow crosses mine A mesura que la teva ombra creua la meva
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
Shine a light through an open door Una llum a través d’una porta oberta
Love and life I will divide L'amor i la vida dividiré
Turn away cause I need you more T’allunyes perquè jo et necessito més
Feel the heartbeat in my mind Sento el batec del meu cor al meu cap
It's the way I’m feeling I just can't deny És la manera que sento que no puc negar
But I've gotta let it go Pero he de deixar-ho anar
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
Yellow diamonds in the light Diamants grocs a la llum
And we're standing side by side I estem l’un al costat de l’altre
As your shadow crosses mine A mesura que la teva ombra creua la meva
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place Hem trobat l’amor en un lloc sense esperança
We found love in a hopeless place
I like this song 'cause it's too sensible and the videoclip is so beautiful. Rihanna is one of my favourites singers and this December I will go to her concert. Rihanna for my is a person to strong, 'cause her last boyfriend strcuk's her. I must also say that I love her voice, it's too soft. When I grow up, I will: Go to America and I will learn English, for I can speak with her.
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

If all matches in my current capacity, as I am good at Maths at school and many people say that I am a very logical and sociable person.
With this text, I have learnt that even if someone has can do something with less difficulty, it does not mean that theyr smarter, but that this topic is given well, but a person who find it more difficult can learn to do it in a different way. And another issue may be upside down and the second person to have it easier than the first.
With this information I can choose my future career better, because I know what I do better.
In the future I would like to be ophthalmologist or criminologist, and with these jobs I will help people who need it most, because I will fix their problems.
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