For my, this trip for me, was the best, a memory to remember for a long time.
Those days I can speak with all people in my course, with old friends, and new too. I can known many people really, nobody is what it seems, but those days I enjoyed so much!
We visited some cities, we stayed in two hotels. Now, I explain those five days.

First day: We went by plane to Italy. When we arribed, we went by bus to Pisa. Is wonderful, I think tower of Pisa's really precious. Later, we go by bus to our hotel, in Montecatini.
Second day: We went to Florence, we visited some beautiful places, we went to the Duomo, at up of it, the views are really precious. Later, we returned to Montecatini.
Third day: We leave the hotel, and spend our day in Siena, is nice city too, but isn't the best. I stayed with my friends. At three o'clock we cought our bus and went to Rome. At night, we put our cases at new hotel in Rome and we went to dinner. After it, we went to see "Fontana Di Trevi". Is.. I can't explain it, I think all people must to visit it, minimum once in life.
Fourth day: We stayed all day in Rome. We visited some places, like Pantheon, "Piazza Spagne", "Colisseo" and others.
Fifth day: We visited the Vatican, was icredible, so big, and precious. I was really surprised when I saw it. We had lunch, and later we went to the port, we got the ferry, and we said "Ciao Bella Italia!"
SIxth day: We passed all day in the ferry, we spend our time playing cards and others. Last night was so long! We saw the sunrise in the middle of the sea. And at sixth o'clock we arrived in Barcelona. We cought our bus and go to Castelló d'Empúries. We arrived at quarter to ten.
That trip was finished, but I never forget the memory of it.